Thursday, August 29, 2019

Marketing Questions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing Questions - Case Study Example The organization must ensure that is operates as efficiently as possible, so that shareholders benefit and so that it can continue to contribute a large percentage of profits to RED. Maintaining a strong position in the market helps ensure shareholders will profit and helps ensure that it can contribute greatly to the RED program. The ethical component of corporate social responsibility involves GAP behaving in a manner that is socially acceptable. The organization must also respect the social norms of those in which in interacts. This involves recognizing moral norms of the target segments it serves. It must also respect the norms of the families and individuals in Africa for which the program is aimed, without judgment about how AIDS is contracted or why it is so prevalent. The philanthropic component focuses on improving the quality of life, through support of education, the arts or through community projects that enhance a community’s quality of life. Contributing profits to improve the health of families in Ghana and other regions in Africa leads to stronger and more productive communities and families. Cause-marketing events increase the organization’s exposure, through various forms of media. ... Consumers today are increasingly becoming interested in what organizations are doing for the environment. A partnership with Product RED does improve GAP’s image, as young adults and teens today are more concerned with philanthropic activity and giving back, than older generations. As the largest market segment or the segment most interested in GAP products, it is important to appeal to this segment on many levels, not just with trendy products. Some of the RED products, such as the LOVE t-shirt, appear more trendy, because they offer a message and contribute to a worthy cause. The types of technology that have contributed to media coverage of the Product RED marketing campaign are the internet, social networking sites, the Apple iPod and the personal computer. The internet is used to promote RED products for Product RED partners, like GAP. The iPod and personal computer are offered in the red color, which helps promote the cause. Social networking sites allow consumers to sha re information about the cause and RED products they like. MTV MTV has had to address cultural differences in its global expansion. What U.S. viewers find humorous may not be considered funny by viewers in Japan or in South America. To overcome this, MTV has partnered with local or regional broadcast organizations, to tailor programming to the specific culture of the audience. It has reformatted those programs that are more easily adapted to various cultures, such as cartoons. In some global markets, it has combined American music styles with those of the local culture, to make viewing more appealing. MTV’s global market entry strategy is to partner with local broadcasting companies, to bring viewers shows and entertainment that are culturally

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