Monday, September 30, 2019

For this discussion I asked my kids to help me, since my topic for the Final project is about kids in gangs

My children's concerns about kids in gangs is, that they are to young, they think it is cool, the violence- robbery, killing, raping and shooting other kids or adults. What they think has caused this problem is the kids get asked to join, they think it is cool, they think it is going to help them make friends and that their family members will respect them more, and that the kids are getting abused at home. I asked them how is this problem affecting y'all and they told me, that they see the gang kids beating up other kids, stealing from them, both of my kids said that they are afraid that it will go too far and they could be victims in a shooting at school, and that they will get approached and asked to join a gang. I took the questioning to another level and asked them, What do you think about kids in gangs and What is your views on gangs and the crimes they commit? My 14 year old son answered me with that they are trying to act like they are something, when actually they are not. They are no different than any other person trying to get an education or job like the rest of us. He said that gangs are not safe, that they commit robberies, murder, and that they tag everything with their gang signs and makes everything ugly with it. I asked my 12 year old daughter the same questions and she responded with, they think it is cool; other friends are in a gang, that the kids that are in a gang could be getting abused at home. She also said that if they wanted to be in a group that they should join events at school like sports or another group that is sponsored through the school. When I asked her about her views are on gangs and the crimes that they commit, she came back with, they rob and murder people, they beat up other kids, women, and the elderly to get what they want, and that they graffiti their gang signs on everything. She said she is sick of seeing the gang signs on everything in our town. She also amazed me and took it to another level with respect and hurt from family members. She said that the kids that are in a gang are hurting their family members, friends and their selves. Also that their family members will no longer trust or respect them because of what they are doing or what they have done in the past. Also that when a kid joins a gang that it is hard for them to get out of the gang and that being in a gang could or will mess up their future or their lives. It amazed me that she knows more about gangs than my 14 year old son does. Some of my ideas to address these issues with my kids would be: talk to them about the violence, the abuse that could be happening to these kids that are in the gangs, the murdering, the graffiti, just about gang life in general. I can also take my kids to our local enforcement office and let them talk to the detectives that I work with and let them ask questions about it and how they can or should look for. Being open and honest with my kids about this topic of gangs is the best way to address this problem. My kids will benefit from listening to what I have to say about gangs because they know that I have worked and work with our local detectives about this situation and that I know more about this than they do. I can honestly say that I don't have to worry about my kids and gangs because they are too involved with school and sports and they despise all gang activity.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Health and fitness

Health and fitness, in general seem quite similar but they are not so. They are two different words symbolizing two different meanings. Health is the state of being free from illness or injury whereas fitness is considered a measure of the bodys ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, to resist diseases, and to meet emergency situations. From a young age it is preached that being healthy and fit are critical to having a strong long life, however the amount of people that have the will power to take action in these parts of their lives are getting smaller and smaller, especially in this generation.It's important that everyone, but especially teenagers, be acquainted with the advantages of a healthy life, and also acknowledge the ramifications of ignoring this cardinal part of life. Being active offers benefits beyond an improved physique and a healthy body. Health and fitness are crucial aspects of someone's lifestyle and has the power to alter a person's life in substantial ways. Healthy eating, the benefits of being active, and consequences of a corrupting lifestyle are all things to keep in mind as one makes decisions and goes through life.Many people have the ability to eat whatever they want and not gain a pound, owever what these people may not grasp is that all the bad food they are ingesting will catch up with them in later years of life, and may be setting them up for many health problems down the road. It's important to have a variety of different foods so your body has a healthy balanced diet. There are over forty nutrients that are essential to our life, and we need these nutrients because our bodies cannot produce them in large enough amounts for optimal health. Benefits of healthy eating, healthandliving. com) Different foods contain different nutrients, which is why it is imperative that we have this combination, and avoid overconsumption. Maintaining a healthy diet not only offers your body the energy and n utrition it needs to function but also offers many health benefits that can help one live longer and have a better life. Healthy eating helps to maintain a healthy body weight, makes one feel better about themselves, creates a stronger immune system, helps to sleep and feel more rested and gives mental alertness. Benefits From eating healthy, livestrong. com) Eating fruits and vegetables may reduce risks for a stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases and protects the body against certain types of cancer such as mouth cancer, and stomach cancer. Eating grains help with weight management, and reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. Grains also have large amounts of dietary fiber which helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels, and lowers your risk of heart disease.Each vitamin benefits your body in some way, for example potassium helps retain a healthy blood pressure, vitamin A keeps the skin and eyes healthy and protects against infections, and vitamin C helps heal cuts and wound s, and keeps the teeth and gums healthy. (Benefits of Healthy Diet, healthyforms. com) Eating healthy is something people need to consciously think about, because it does not come aturally. Sustaining a healthy diet is an essential part of leading a longer more vibrant life. (The 5 Key Benefits of eating healthy, ezinearticles. om) Sustaining a healthy diet is not the only thing to keep in mind, being physically active is equally important. Being active may not always be fun, but the benefits will be worth it in the long run. Being active not only improves health and fitness but it also improves posture and balance, boosts the mood, helps one sleep, makes one stronger, reduces stress and controls the risk of heart disease, such as diabetes. It also protects people rom a stroke, some types of cancer, lowers blood pressure and reduces anxiety and depression. (Benefits of Being Active, health. a) Studies have shown that child obesity is rapidly growing and will continue to grow if our generation does not take action of their health, which is why being active along with being healthy are both critical roles in not only developing as a person, but growing up healthy and happy. As mentioned earlier, child obesity rates are rising at a rapid pace. This is due to the fact that unhealthy foods cost significantly less than healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. Right now 29% of adolescents are overweight, and this percent is growing by the day.Obesity as young kids and the food eating habits that they get into, carry into their adult life, leading to adult obesity. Currently, 59% of adult Canadians are either overweight or obese, and New Brunswick is one of the cities significantly higher in the overweight/obese population. (Statistics, childhoodobesityfoundation. ca) Not only do people get into bad eating habits that lead to obesity, but they also do not make time for exercise in there busy schedules, which only enhances the unhealthy lifestyle.Being overweight c an lead to ardiovascular disease such as a higher blood pressure, more likely to develop diabetes, and are at a greater risk for bone and Joint problems because the body carrying more weight than it is equipped for. Sleep apnea, social and psychological problems, and a low self esteem are also causes of an unhealthy diet. Dental problems are another thing that comes with unhealthy eating. Eating too much candy, or foods with lots of sugar and not enough other nutrients can lead to tooth decay and cavities.Another thing that many people are not aware of is the mood swings that come from unhealthy eating. Diets that do not include enough vitamins nd minerals can lead to people suffering severe mood swings. The body may become overly energetic and easily excitable only to crash later. In addition, a lack of vitamin B can lead to the hormone levels in the brain to be unbalanced, which can induce depression. (What are the Consequences of not Eating Healthy, ehow. com) Not being active ca n have many negative effects on the body. For example muscle atrophy is a cause of a lack of exercise.Muscle atrophy is a medical term that describes the process of your muscles breaking down or wasting away because they are not being exercised to their full capacity. Not only do you lose muscle but you gain fatty tissue and slow down your metabolism, resulting in more weight gain. Lack of exercise can also lead to increased levels of visceral fat, which is a fat that gets trapped inside your abdomen and is toxic because it causes heart disease and gallbladder problems, it also secrets dangerous hormones that can lead to the development of breast cancer.Cardiac decline is when the heart does not get enough exercise, and the heart, which is a muscle, isn't being exercise and so it rapidly declines in its cardiovascular fitness. The heart will not waste away like an rm or leg, however fat will begin to attack it which can lead to the development of heart disease. In 2006, approximatel y 2. 4 million Americans died from heart disease. (The Effects of Lack of Exercise on the Body, livestrong. com) The effects that unhealthy eating and a lack of exercise has on your body can be life changing and detrimental.This is why it is so important to nave a balance between the two so you can avoid all the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle. It's very important to keep these things in mind as you grow older, and make time for healthy meals and exercise. Balance it key. To have a healthy life one must have a balance between eating healthy, and exercising, however treating oneself ever once in awhile is not a sin. Everything needs to be done in moderation.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Annotated Bibliography on Anne Bradstreet Poem

In the beautiful poem, â€Å"Before the Birth of One of Her Children†, Anne Bradstreet expresses her feelings honestly and openly. The poem is written to her husband, and it addresses her fear of not surviving childbirth and what she would want her husband to do if that was the case. One of the main ideas that I found to be most evident was the love that she expresses in her poem. She says to her husband, â€Å"And if thou love thy self, or loved’st me, These O protect from step-dame’s injury. Bradstreet not only cares for and loves her husband, but she has a passionate love for her unborn child. Another prominent theme is Bradstreet’s acknowledgement of the possibility of death. She faces her fear, knowing it is inevitable and could occur when she gives birth, which she points out by telling her husband about how he might â€Å"lose his friend. † She also tells him how she wants to be remembered, which is clearly seen when she says, â€Å"If any worth or virtue were in me, Let thy live freshly in thy memory. † In this poem, it is clear that she feels love and a strong maternal bond with her child even though there is the possibility she will never meet him/her. â€Å"Before the Birth of One of Her Children† is a wonderful illustration of Anne Bradstreet’s loving character as well as her facing her fear of death. REACTION TO ONE OF THE MAIN IDEAS: This poem really resonated with me because I felt like it can be applicable to my own life. Not exactly in the same way of dying through childbirth, but through the love, honor, and sacrifice that she expresses through this poem. Although Anne Bradstreet has never met the child she refers to in this poem since she has not given birth yet, it is evident that she is filled with love for him/her. She tells her husband to take very good care of them, just like she would do if she survives. I think her example of love is a great example to everyone, especially for us Christians. The love that she shows is unconditional and sacrificial, just like the love Jesus has for us. I think Anne Bradstreet’s possible death is also symbolic to Jesus’ death; she would be dying for her child, and Jesus died on the cross for His children as well. The difference, of course, lies in the fact that we can have a relationship with Jesus even though He died for us, but I still think there is a lot of significance between the two. She wants her husband to do whatever it takes to care for her children if she cannot be there, and God always cares for His children as well. I think the type of love that Anne Bradstreet demonstrates through this poem is something that we should try to be practice in our daily lives. It may be through little things, but we have the incredible opportunity to allow God’s love to flow through us each and every day of our lives!

Friday, September 27, 2019

Molecules and Processes of Life Activity 6 - Cellular Respiration and Lab Report - 1

Molecules and Processes of Life Activity 6 - Cellular Respiration and the Effects of Pollutants on Its Rate - Lab Report Example s carried out using yeast and the focus of the experiment was given to the amount of gas that was being produced to determine amount of carbon dioxide in the produced gas. The gases are produced after the yeast cells carry out respiration. The experiment looked at how carbohydrates affect respiration that occurs in cells. This was investigated by addition of sugar to the yeast after the first test was carried out. The addition was aimed at production of more gas especially carbon dioxide which determined that the rate increased in cellular respiration. Pollutants in the experiment were expected to have an effect on the cellular rate of transpiration (Audesirk, Audesirk & Byers, 2006). More different pollutants were added to the yeast and the amount of carbon dioxide that was produced measured to determine the effect of the pollutants on cellular rate of transpiration. The main aim of the experiment was to determine the role of cellular respiration in the processes of life. Respiration in cells is defined as the course of energy from chemical in food is obtained and then converted to an energy form that can be utilized by living organisms in the course of living. The objectives of the experiment were to determine how the rate of cellular respiration is affected by the incidence of carbohydrates and also whether the rate was affected by pollutants (Jà ¸rgensen & Fath, 2008). Hypothesis of the experiment was that an organism will be exposed to a higher rate of cellular respiration with availability of carbohydrate than when there is no carbohydrate. Another hypothesis was that an organism will have a lower rate of cellular respiration with a source of carbohydrate and a  pollutant than when there is a source of carbohydrate and without source of pollutant. The pollutants are thought to play a role in interruptions that occur in cellular respirati on. There are two types of cellular respiration which both depend on energy. The two types of respiration include aerobic

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Television Addiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Television Addiction - Essay Example TV viewing becomes more than a relaxing activity but a mere way of passing time. One’s ability to concentrate on an activity when TV is on remains low as even one cannot sustain the conversation. The response is equally the same when the conversation is either of substantial importance or not. Over the years, scholars have tried to ascertain whether watching of violent movies influences an individual to act out violently, but the focus has never been on the addictive aspect of a television. Primarily, television addiction is the spending of too much time in watching television or watching it more than initially intended. It can also be the constant thinking about how to reduce watching it or the making of unsuccessful continuous attempts to reduce the hours spent in front of it. Tentatively, those with this form of addiction tend to exhibit withdrawal symptoms once deprived off their frequent viewing (Large 98). On the contrary, watching too much television does not necessaril y imply an addiction to the same. Television is an informative tool mostly used to educate and pass relevant information across a wide audience. However, it becomes addictive when they feel that they need to minimize the time they spend watching it and instead engage on something useful. This is often an inward drive and not external. Primarily, watching of television is a leisure activity that does not derail one from their normal routine or activities. Arguably, others tend to speculate that time that the time devoted in front of a TV set portrays the love for TV and not the addiction. However, the reaction to emergencies tends to be slow in those who devote their time to television viewing rather than those who are doing other things (Large 98). This is high because people tend to switch off their responses and become passive as they indulge in television viewing. Similarly, the effects displayed in watching TV and those of a tranquilizer tend to relate. The two make the body be in an inert state that with the effects wearing slowly offs the body. According to Kubey and Mihaly, members of the middle class tend to feel the guilt more than the lower class, as they tend to feel that time they spent on TV should have been on something constructive. For the lower class addicts, the hours spent on watching TV tend to de rewarding rather than satisfying (Large 98). In essence, there emerge the heavy viewers and the light viewers. First, the heavy viewers are those who spend more than four hours of their day in front of a TV while the light viewers are those that watch it for only two hours a day. Essentially, the viewer content is what keeps the viewer glued to a TV screen for a great number of hours. The images displayed make the brain remain glued to TV screen for hours. For one to continue viewing in A conscious manner they need not give in to electric response of the brain that is switching off when television switches off. This would mean that their sense of relaxation ended when they switched off TV (Large 97). In addition, the two scientists found out that a greater number of adults viewed themselves as addicts rather than the teenagers. They also found out that the adult’s ability to concentrate on a different activity after the switching off was hard, as it affected their moods. In conclusion, television addiction is the mind perception of an individual. The verdict on whether one is addicted to TV or not, solely lies with an individual and not on any external influences. In my view, people’s addiction on TV amounts to the levels of judgments portrayed when glued to screen of a TV

Substance use Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Substance use - Essay Example A few of these are serious gastro-intestinal problems, severe headaches, menstrual irregularities, hypertension, premature baldness, shrinking of breast (females) and enlargement of the breast (males) while shrinking the testicles (testicular atrophy). Drug Education Programs – the goal of drug educational programs such as D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) is to educate youngsters about the dangers of illegal drug use before they will even start and be swayed by its temptations (Brogan & Koellhoffer 9). A logic behind the program is to involve police officers in giving their time and expertise to help schools conduct drug-education programs. The approach is to use police officers who are into the fight against drug-related crimes that gives them much-needed street credibility in the eyes of the kids, as opposed to â€Å"tough guy† persona exemplified by thugs, pimps and drug pushers. A drug prevention program, meanwhile, focuses more on counteracting the social influences that can lead to drug use; such as peer pressure, ostracism and school bullying (Segal 125).

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Human resource management1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human resource management1 - Essay Example 2003, 17-22). Linkage is related to the amount of contact amongst the organization's planned planners, the HR department, and the managers who will be accountable for carry out the plans. Linkages can variety from minimal (groups working separately) to full incorporation (groups working interdependently), but they are classically mix together. For example, information pertaining to hiring may flow together ways, whereas information regarding financial support of projects might be handed down from the top management to HR. The suitable degree of connection depends on the business climate, organizational wants, and business strategy; however, a few linkage among HR and management is generally essential. A disconnect between planners and managers can effortlessly derail the planning and completion processes (Alavi, M., and Leidner, 2001, 107-136). This is not only theoretically dangerous, but also empirically dubious, and the claims have been extensively criticized elsewhere (Thompson and Ackroyd 1995; Thompson and Findlay 1999; Smith and Thompson 1998). So much emphasis is put on managerial discourses and systems that there is a consistent confusion between the technological potential for surveillance and the managerial capacity to monitor and manipulate, and between managerial discourses about correct behavior and the reality of continued misbehavior. Not only are intent and outcome very different in the workplace, there is plenty of case-study evidence that employees are aware of the gap between managerial rhetoric and action, often seeking to exploit it for their own ends. In the light of critical views of Tom Redman & Adrian Wilkinson, The stipulation of lots of social services occurs inside a structure that has been termed the "hollow state," an approach to policy completion that relies upon private or nonprofit organizations to bring certain public goods (Milward, Provan, and Else 1993). The "hollowness" of this system is needy upon the degree to which services are put into practice by nongovernmental organizations and measured along a diversity of dimensions counting the control retained by one or further public agencies, the degree of designation to nonpublic actors, the efficiency of coordination, and mechanisms to assess the delegated service delivery. When nonprofit organizations obtain contracts or funding to deliver public goods or services, the delegating agency assumes a enough level of capacity to put into practice the project or deliver the service. Though, if the nonprofit community-based organizations are too incomplete in capacity to c arry out their grants or contracts, then a disconnect occurs in the empty state. This disconnect may obvious itself either in the difference of capacity among the public and nonprofit sectors, or in the lack of capability in community-based nonprofit organizations (Tom Redman & Adrian Wilkinson, 2006). In the light of critical views of Karen Legge. Cross-national differences in institutional structures are probable to generate management practices that diverge from country to country, in spite of the fact

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Promotion and Education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Promotion and Education - Assignment Example he product’s cheaper rates in comparison to roaming devices as well as the fact that the device can be used for personal use, unlike most sources of wifi internet connections. Promotion will be done through use of a specifically designed promotional program. Marketing communication will be done prior to the launching of the product and after the product enters the market to ensure that customers are continuously reminded about it. The means of communication will be advertisements carried out on both social media and print media. Considering Inter-Fi will be a new product and in order to ensure there is fast spread of information about its presence in the market, a customer referral incentive program will be used to promote the product. Under the promotional program, current customers will earn discounts, free products as well as cash rewards depending on the number of new customers they refer to Vodafone retail stores for purchase of the product (Kumar 2008, p.234). Customers wishing to use the product will choose between buying the gadget at Vodafone retail stores and renting it from the same stores. Customers will also be able to purchase the gadget on hire purchase terms with an initial deposit of $100

Monday, September 23, 2019

Abuse of Separate Entity lifting the corporate veil Essay

Abuse of Separate Entity lifting the corporate veil - Essay Example the liabilities contracted on behalf of the company. Under normal circumstances the creditors of the company can have recourse for their dues against the assets of the company and they cannot attach the liability to the personal assets of the shareholders. Under certain circumstances it may become necessary for the company to fix up the responsibility on individuals in respect of some liabilities contracted by them on behalf of the company. The exact circumstances under which the courts will 'pierce the corporate veil' as it is technically known, depends on the state laws. However in general under the following circumstances the courts will look beyond the corporate veil phenomenon and provide a remedy to the creditors. Where the circumstances are such that the shareholder has lost the privilege of limited liability and has become liable personally to the creditors. This situation may arise when the company continued to carry on the business for a period of six months after the number of its members was reduced below the minimum as prescribed by law with the knowledge of the shareholder Under the common law courts would allow the lifting of the corporate veil only in cases where the company is a 'mere facade concealing the true facts', or, in the parlance of earlier cases, a mere 'sham', Gower,LCB (1992) However the circumstances under which the courts will find such a 'faade' or 'sham' are considered to be very rare. In the case of Woolfson v StratchclydeRegional Council, 1978 SLT 159 at 161:the House of Lords observed that the corporate veil can be pierced only where special circumstances exist to indicate that the company is a mere faade concealing true facts. "The recent decision of the Court of Appeal in China Ocean Shipping Co v Mitrans Shipping Co Ltd, (1995) 3 HKC 123appears to have narrowed the already limited circumstances in which a court will lift the corporate veil." Following the ruling of this case if a person uses the corporate veil to protect him from legal obligation prior to the arising of the legal obligation then the corporate veil will not be pierced. On the contrary if the person uses the corporate veil to protect him after the legal obligation is established then the corporat

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Islam and Women Essay Example for Free

Islam and Women Essay If a woman is married and her husband is niggardly, the wife has the right to take of her husband’s property without his consent, to satisfy her own and her family’s reasonable needs. Also, if a woman was comfortably maintained as a daughter, then as a wife, she is entitled to the same economic standard of living if her husband can afford it. Employment Islam gives the woman the same work rights as men, so long as her important role as a mother and a wife is not neglected. The sacred role of a wife and mother is paramount and indispensable to society. Without her, the future generation would lack the healthy moral conscience that is needed for the success and stability of any individual and community. Professionalism, hard work, and loving commitment are the natural skills that a woman as a mother, imparts. However, Muslim women are free to pursue employment if they are able to, and with the agreement of their husbands if married. History is witness to Muslim women’s contribution to civilisation in various professions such as teaching, medicine and other fields. Inheritance Islam gives the woman the right of inheritance whereas in some cultures, women were considered themselves objects to be inherited! The woman is allotted a share of inheritance and this is hers to retain and manage no one can lay any claim to it, including her father or her husband. Allah says: â€Å"Unto men [of the family] belongs a share of that which parents and near kindred leave, and unto women a share of that which parents and near kindred leave, whether it be a little or much a determined share. † (Ouran 4:7) Generally, (but not always), her share is one half the man’s share. The woman is her own â€Å"manageress† in Islam; in discharging her responsibilities, she fully enjoys the fringe benefits that her position offers while her independent decisions and duties are accountable to Allah. Indeed, throughout history, the integrity, chastity and maternal role of Muslim women has attracted admiration from even the most impartial observers. For it is only Islam that covers the woman with the robe of modesty and crowns her with the bonnet of purity, providing her with the unique opportunity to contribute comfortably to society. What Grace and Mercy the Beneficent showers upon the woman! For every joy experienced and every effort made, willingly and lovingly on the Path of Allah’s Pleasure, the woman, just as the man, receives the same good-tidings of the happiness and delights, that are ever-flowing from Allah. â€Å"Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith, verily to him We will give a new life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such, reward according to the best of their actions. † (Qur’an 16:97)

Friday, September 20, 2019

Woolworths Overview Of The Company Marketing Essay

Woolworths Overview Of The Company Marketing Essay Its core business focus is the provision of retail and financial services to upper and middle income groups mainly in South Africa but also in Africa, Australia and New Zealand.  This includes men, women and kids. Who are the competitors in the market? Other retailers selling food (butchers, bakers, convenience stores, etc. excludes takeaway food and restaurants) Mass merchants (including discount department stores; department stores) Size of the company Woolworths Holdings Limited is an investment holding company and one of the top 100 companies listed on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange Shares in Woolworths: 52% of market Employees:  24,649 Stores:  637 Turnover:  R 25.582bn p/a Market share: 9%-10%   Vision: Woolworths vision is to provide quality products and services to its customers all the time through price strategies, fresh food strategies and human resource strategies. Woolworths main strategies are to increase efficiency and be cost effective. Mission: Woolworths mission statement and main strategy is to deliver to customers the right shopping experience each and every time. Goals Sustainable growth within the context of the changing social and environmental needs Woolworths goal is to work harder to drive social development poverty drives environmental destruction and that in turn creates more poverty. To help alleviate poverty, we need to expand the existing initiatives of the Woolworths Trust and link with the transformational goals to drive enterprise development. The third priority relates to Woolworths impact on the environment, in particular the issue of diminishing biodiversity.   The fourth priority addresses climate change directly by focusing on reducing Woolworths carbon footprint. Woolworths recognizes climate change as an issue requiring urgent action if the risk of serious damage to global prosperity and security is to be avoided. Strategy: The strategic intent considers four areas of focus: the customers, operations, and the people. Woolworths main strategy is to increase efficiency and be cost effective.   Under this strategy there are different strategies that the company uses such as price strategies, fresh food strategies and human resource strategies/growth strategy. QUESTION 2 What would you change? What parts of the strategy? Low price Strategy: (high quality vs. low price) I would change the current pricing structure as it gives negative perception about the quality of their products. For consumers to believe that they offer high quality, price must be slightly more than usual as it creates a value-add considering the input costs. Product Strategy: (healthy organic foods) I would increase the percentage of organic food in the stores to increase/promote healthy eating. Growth strategy: (entering new markets) The stores are currently situated in high economic areas. I would therefore introduce Woolworths into low to medium income earners in different locations. Why would you change it? (What internal/external forces?) Low price Strategy: (high quality vs. low price) Because the input (fixed variable) costs have to be considered in order for the value added to be fairly presented so that the company can also see a good profit depending on the area of location. E.g. a Woolworths store in Cape Town will differ in prices to a Woolworths store in Mitchells Plain. Product Strategy: (healthy organic foods) When a big amount of customers consume a lot more of organic products, the will relate to Woolworths as the healthy alternative. Growth strategy: (entering new markets) This will give everyone the same shopping experience and affording them a chance not to travel too far for shopping. Safety strategy: When this is implemented in families, it can have a multiplying effect and reach a lot of people within a short period. Financial Services: (credit cards personal loans) Both cards allow customers to earn W points. Therefore, it is not necessary to have cards instead of one. One stop shop: (sells a variety of things) I would focus only on one or two offerings as too many products create confusion regarding the real product offering. QUESTION 3 How would you change it? Low price Strategy: (high quality vs. low price) I would push the price a bit higher because the high quality does not match the price. I would include all costs, improve packaging and set a higher mark-up. Product Strategy: (healthy organic foods) I would get more suppliers of organic food on board and attract more healthy-conscious customers as well create more awareness on healthy eating and how it impact on effective leadership. Growth strategy: (entering new markets) I would introduce more Woolworths stores in medium income areas first. Then, I would roll it out to low income areas (townships) such as Khayelitsha. Advantages My strategy achievement in terms of company goals Low price strategy: one of Woolworths main strategies is to increase efficiency and be cost effective. The advantages of our strategy, the high price high quality strategy, would allow the quality of Woolworths goods to be high all the time. There will be less costs going into the research and implementation of many of the many strategies for Woolworths, to allow for the high quality low price strategy. It will also be less time consuming for Woolworths and Woolworths is known in the past for having high prices. People still have the perception of Woolworths having high prices. Product Strategy: Because they have allowed for these high prices they are also able to increase the percentage of organic foods. This is obviously good for healthy eating habits and maybe in the long term decreasing the unhealthy eating disease rate in South Africa. Woolworths can also create healthy eating plans for individuals to increase buyers for the company. Growth strategy: (entering new markets) the advantage of this would be to increase the Woolworths clientele. This would allow for many other buyers to experience the Woolworths experience. Safety strategy: The advantages of this would be promoting the good ethics of the Woolworths Company. Financial Services: the advantage of merging the visa and the difference cards would allow for efficiency when coming to the till at a Woolworths store. You will be able to have the choice on which transaction you would like to use. This will allow for more customers to get involved with both choices. Having one Woolworths card with both options is better than having two cards. One stop shop: The advantages of having all these products is that it caters for all needs. This also allows the company to use a variety of promotion techniques to get through to their customers. Disadvantages Low price strategy: At the moment times are tough and people are still suffering from the last recession. To increase the prices could make the company have a bad name. The main reason they decrease the price is to give everyone the chance to have the Woolworths experience and be in the same level as their competitors offering goods at better quality. So increasing the price could steer the customers away although a slight increase wont really affect the customer too much because of the quality of their products. Product strategy: Costs of these organic goods are expensive and the company is already trying very hard to keep high quality goods at low prices. Growth Strategy: Woolworths prices are higher than the usual Shoprite. Many people in low earning areas tend to go to Shoprite but there quality of food is not as good as Woolworths. People in low income areas are not really interested in quality and they are more interested in price. I feel it is a disadvantage to put a Woolworths store in low income areas because they will not make enough money to keep the store going. Maybe they could increase the amount of stores in the medium earning areas but still this would be a far reached goal to bring it in the low earning areas. The price of the goods is just too high. Safety strategy: Because this is seen as part of work. Most workers wont want to waste their time extending this technique to their families. It will be seen as extra work to be done. Financial services: this will be time consuming for the company and there will be costs involved to implement this strategy. One stop shop: Woolworths has already made itself known for having all these products but some products are more known to their customers then others. Woolworths needs to have their other products, like homeware, better promoted. Having all these products is the store can be costly. People will rather choose to go to Mr. Price home than to buy homeware appliances at Woolworths. Woolworths needs to strengthen their market in there other products or they will be losing profits. Conclusion Woolworths strategy works very well. It works so well that I feel these small changes wont make much of a difference because they know what they have and they know where they are in the market. They were able to change their strategy over the years and even by doing so it has made them even more successful. This is the reason I feel there strategy is well implemented. QUESTION 4

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Does Abortion Relieve Overpopulation? Essays -- Argumentative Persuasi

Does Abortion Relieve Overpopulation?      Ã‚  Ã‚   TV and other media regularly tout the threat of global overpopulation if abortion is not widely implemented. And it is true that people in various Third World countries are starving - about 700 million are chronically hungry according to many reports. But this is due, not to overpopulation, but rather to improper distribution and sharing of food supplies - which are very adequate for all people everywhere to live a healthy life.    In fact, the real emergency lies in the fact that populations are falling! More than seventy countries, representing more than half the world's population, have below replacement rate fertility, which is defined as 2.1 children per woman. According to United Nations projections, the population of the world will peak at seven-plus billion about the year 2040, and then begin to decline.    Peter F. Drucker, respected and famous US economist, in his book Management Challenges for the 21st Century, staes quite frankly:    "The most important single new certainty -- if only because there is no precedent for it in all of history -- is the collapsing birthrate in the developed world." Drucker outlines the problems in seven pages at the beginning of his book, and then carries the thread throughout the work. He describes how Japan and all of Southern Europe are "drifting toward collective national suicide by the end of the 21st century." He cites statistics to back up his contention and then observes that the United States is not far behind the other dying nations. He gives us another twenty to twenty-five years and then points out that our population will begin to seriously decline.    No, overpopulation is not a threat. The choice ... ...eter F. Management Challenges for the 21st Century. Hamlin, H. "Life or Death by EEG." Journal of the Amedos. Medical A's',, 1W12/84, p. 20. Hooker and Davenport. The Prenatal Origin of Behavior. Kansas: University of Kansas Press, 1952. Noonan, "The Experience of Pain, New Perspectives on Human Abortion." N.p.: A1etheia Books, 1981. p.213. Reinis, Stanislaw and Jerome M. Goldman. The Development of the Brain. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publishers, 1980. Rockwell, P.E.,M.D. Director of Anesthesiology, Leonard Hospital, Troy, NY, U.S. Supreme Court, Markle vs. Abele, 72-56, 72-730, 1972. P.11 The Silent Scream. Cleveland, OH: American Portrait Films, 1984. Tanner, J.M. and G.R. Taylor, Time-Life Books. Growth, New York: Life Science Life, 1965. p.64.

Solar Energy: The Ultimate Renewable Energy Resource Essays -- Argumen

The current use of fossil fuels as our main energy source has two drawbacks: their inevitable depletion and the pollution associated with combustion. These two drawbacks in addition to the growing concern of global warming has pushed for the development of more sustainable sources of energy, namely solar energy and its derivatives (i.e. wind power). Solar energy is appealing for its potential to meet all our demands, while proving to be a pollution free resource.(Bohn, 2009) Solar energy originates from the thermonuclear fusion reactions occurring in the sun. Leaving all the byproducts of the reactions behind in the sun, the energy that reaches the Earth is pure radiant energy. This energy represents the entire electromagnetic spectrum, ranging from x-rays to radio waves. Most of the sun’s energy, forty-three percent, is in the form of visible light, which can be harnessed for electrical production. The amount of energy hitting the Earth is incredibly large; by one calculation, a month of sunshine has the equivalent energy of all the planet’s used and unused fossil fuels.(Huang, 2007) However, the nature of solar energy has two disadvantages. The sun does not shine consistently throughout the day due to clouds and other atmospheric factors, which can be problem for constant electricity and heat production. Moreover, solar energy cannot be used for nighttime production. The other shortcoming is that the energy from the sun is a diff use source, that is, it falls over a wide area. In order to utilize this energy, it must be concentrated into a form and amount we can use, such as heat and electricity. These problems are addressed in the three steps used to harness the sun’s energy: collection, conversion, and stor... ... Need for Wind Power." International Journal of Heritage Studies 15.2/3 (2009): Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 14 Mar. 2015. 5 Huang, Y.F., et al. "Mitigating Environmental Pollution and Impacts from Fossil Fuels: The Role of Alternative Fuels." Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization & Environmental Effects 29.12 (2007): 1069-1080. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 14 Mar. 2015. 6 Kolbert, Elizabeth. â€Å"The Acid Sea.† National Geographic April. 2011: 100-121. Print. 7 Thomas, Chacko, Philip Jennings, and Dilawar Singh. "New Markets for Solar Photovoltaic Power Systems." AIP Conference Proceedings 941.1 (2007): 142-153. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 11 Apr. 2015. 8 Luckerson, Victor. "Glaciers Are Crumbling in Southern Antarctica Faster Than Previously Thought" May 22, 2015 Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Satire in Moliere’s Tartuffe, Voltaire’s Candide, and Swift’s A Modest

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines satire as: â€Å"literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn.† Besides this definition satire can also be seen as the particular literary way of making possible the improvement of humanity and its institutions. In the three works: Moliere’s â€Å"Tartuffe,† Voltaire’s â€Å"Candide,† and Swift’s â€Å"A Modest Proposal† the authors indirectly criticize and ridicule human behavior and characteristics but with the goal for improving these faults rather than just demolishing them.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Moliere’s â€Å"Tartuffe,† although many things and behaviors are satirized, the play focuses mainly on the issue of religious hypocrisy. Whereas Tartuffe is the obvious hypocrite and antagonist who represents those members of society who preach religious piety but do not themselves live by the morals they try to force upon others, Orgon is the complex character through whom this religious hypocrisy is channeled. In the beginning of the play it is hinted that Orgon is perceived as an honorable and respected man by his family and friends, but then through out the play the question raises why he has become such an absurd and unusual person. It seems that Orgon is the type of character who can no longer participate successfully in society and who then retires from society and attacks it. This can also be seen in his mother, Madame Pernelle. Orgon, having reached late middle age, needs to attach himself to a religious person, who beli...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Racial Discrimination Essay

A strong, intelligent man, Martin Luther King Jr., once said, â€Å"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter,† and what mattered 50 years ago, was finding a sense of equality in the world. That each person could feel as if they were all equal to one another, without feeling misplaced, but at home. King took a stand for people too scared to let their words be heard, taking on the walls that stood between segregation and equal rights. His strong words gave a sense of realization, that all people, black or white should have equal rights, and feel just as safe and free as all of the others. After a long fight for equality in the world, racial discrimination is still hiding in the shadows, causing much conflict between our many diverse races in the world. In order to solve racial discrimination, every school in America, students and staff, will have to participate in anti-racial discrimination programs, to stop the advancement of racial discriminatio n. James T. Patterson educates his audience in his article, The Civil Rights Movement: Major Events and Legacies that about 7 million slaves were brought to America in the late 1600s. These slaves were sold to North America from the European settlers. Our country became dependent on the slaves for the production of crops, such as tobacco and cotton (Patterson Par. 1). Slavery ended in 1865, after the long battle of the Civil War, which began in 1861. The end of the war granted millions of slaves their freedom, citizenship, and the right to vote, no matter their race. Unfortunately, most white people were not okay with this occurrence, so they created certain laws that were designed specifically to give blacks unequal treatment. Along with these new laws, an organization called the Ku Klux Klan was formed to intimidate and stop the advancement of black people in society. Segregation then came in to play in 1896, when black people were said to be equal to white people in society but were made to be separated by their color. Whites and blacks all had their designated areas, where the different race could not enter. For example, public restrooms had signs outside that  stated which bathroom was for which race to use. Looking from the outside in, there was much realization that specific places for blacks were in bad condition in comparison to places designated to white people. Oppression was the basis of segregation. Two ladies, named Susan Bohmer and Joyce Briggs, defined oppression as â€Å"attitudes, behaviors, and pervasive and systematic social arrangements by which members of one group are exploited and subordinated while members of another groups are granted privileges.† Since black people were separated by the color of their skin, and not given the same rights and privileges as white people, it entitled them to be labeled as oppressed. There are still groups today that experience oppression. (Patterson Par 2). Eventually, in 1964 the Civil Rights Act gave way to protect citizens from discrimination, by prohibiting segregation in schools, public places, and employment. Within the following year, this act created equal voting rights between races (Patterson Par. 4). Robert M. Entant explains in his article, The Black Image in the White Mind: Media and Race in America, that after much hardship and fight for equality between races, our nation witnessed the first African American male and female become Secretary of State in 2001. Eight years later, Barack Obama became the first African American to become President of the United States of America. These explicit events gave proof of how far our nation has come to give all races the right to not be discriminated against (Entman 2). Although today many blacks have overcome the white domination, they tend to carry insecurities of their past with them, as they continue to feel lower than the white race. Racial discrimination is still in the shadows of today, but there are many potential solutions that could possibly eliminate racial discrimination altogether, but may take a lot of time. Such as the NAACP group, that started in the year 1909, that was formed â€Å"†¦to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination (Patterson Par. 2)†. My  potential solution will be similar to this organization, as it will be open to anyone that is willing to participate and wants to fight for equality. After the organization is put into action, members will be sent to different schools, from elementary schools all the way to colleges, teaching students about racial discrimination. These visits will include lessons based on the history of racial discrimination, examples of people who have experienced racial discrimination, and how they have dealt with it. Another important part of this aw areness will include involvement from the students. As I will ask them to partake in giving examples of personal experiences involving racial discrimination or inequality. Having students share their experiences will show that they are not dealing with this on their own, but that others have experienced it also, and they can then relate to each other. After each lesson, I will then have everyone brainstorm their own kinds of solutions that they can perform everyday to minimize racial discrimination, so that one day it can hopefully be completely gone. This solution will eventually solve the issue of racial discrimination in the aspect of society and single individuals. Many potential students may not want to participate in the lessons provided, for they feel uncomfortable or just do not care about the problem at hand, but will be forced to partake in the lessons. These lessons will be as mandatory as a math class or English class. They will have no choice in the matter, as they need these lessons to improve racial discrimination rates in our society today. Racial discrimination is a learned accusation, usually influenced by an authority in a person’s life. Even through not everyone recognizes this problem; it is still an issue in many lives. With that said, my solution will potentially give relief to the world, giving everyone the chance to feel equal to one another. This solution may not make dramatic change in a short period of time, but if the students I teach, give effort to making our world an equal place, lives will change. â€Å"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.†Ã‚  This inspiring quote came from the intelligent mind of Martin Luther King Jr., the man who took a stand for equality in the world. After his long fight against racial discrimination his life was taken for standing in the darkness of challenge and controversy. Our world may not be completely healed and safe from our history but we are learning that we are all human, no matter what race we are, or the history that trails behind us. Work Cited Entman, Robert M. The Black Image in the White Mind: Media and Race in America.The University of Chicago Press.2000.Web. 2 May 2014. Patterson, James T. The Civil Rights Movement: Major Events and Legacies. The Glinder Lehrman Institute of American History.2014.Web. 2 May 2014.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Hamlet vs Agamemnon Essay

In my opinion, Hamlet was more tragic a play than Agamemnon. As the audience, I felt more inclined to sympathize with Hamlet due to his many sad soliloquies and series of events leading to his downfalls. This is because there was far more to learn about the specific defeats of Hamlet, there were far more disturbance and unrest following the events after his father died, and I felt more pity for the main character in Hamlet as opposed to Agamemnon. The events surrounding Hamlet’s life are far more explored than those in Agamemnon. Though we learn that Agamemnon’s family members are traitors, Hamlet’s family members have sadder, more twisted intentions that we learn about in more detail. We don’t know that Agamemnon was a generally ‘good’ person because we do not delve into his personality the way we do with Hamlet. It is clear that Hamlet was indeed a ‘good’ person who had love for his father. The surrounding events where Claudius, his uncle, kills Hamlet’s father for power and his mother marries Claudius were alone enough to watch our protagonist’s quick and sudden downfall commence. As any ‘good’ person would, Hamlet’s responses to these events surrounding his life were painful, mad, and full of self-doubt. Hamlet, being the main character of this play, developed into a complex personality full of problems, insecurity, self-doubt and procrastination. All of these characteristics are problems that most of us deal with on a daily basis. His internal conflicts lead to him philosophizing about life, death, and even suicide. This was difficult to watch/read as it lead to wondering who deserves such bad things to happen to them? His negative thoughts evoked pity and fear in the audience, which is one of Aristotle’s main definitions of a tragedy. In addition, Agamemnon was not even the main character or protagonist of the play, whereas Hamlet was. The events surrounding Hamlet’s life after his father was killed started unfolding before the audience’s eyes. Once King Hamlet deceased, Marcellus says to Horatio, â€Å"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.† (Act I, Scene IV). This line early on in the play is foreshadowing to the brutal state of unrest soon to surround Hamlet’s life, family, and state.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Enders Game Essay

â€Å"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words. â€Å" -Philip K. Dick In the novel Enders Game the author Orson Scott Card shows us a complete different world than we are used to. Set into the future, the world has just recovered from a devastation alien war that was won by a fluke of luck by our soldiers. Although this time we will strike back, in preparation for the upcoming â€Å"Bugger† war the worlds smartest children get drafted to join the battle school program set in space to learn combat form an early age. One of these kids happened to be Andrew â€Å"Ender† Wiggin, the six year old was stripped of his childhood, taken away from his family and sent to battle school. All his life Ender has extreme pressure on him because six year old Ender was meant to save the world. Throughout the novel Orson Scott Card blurs the thin line between appearance and reality, through the concept of â€Å"games† two different examples of this are Enders stays at Battle School and then again at Command School, throughout both Ender was constantl y played and manipulated for the â€Å"greater good†. While at Battle School Ender was objected to isolation, due to the jealousy of the other children. Ender grew accustomed to the hostility and tried to not let it bother him as much as he could. In the private study time given to the child soldiers they were free to do what they wished. Not having many friends and not finding the studies overly challenging Ender would play the games on the Battles School’s program. Ender quickly became engorged in a role play game called the Giants Drink. This game was deemed impossible but Ender became obsessed with it and reached levels no one had ever seen before. Ender could not stand to lose at anything so he went to any extreme needed to further him in the game. Ender was to always remember the details of this game, because to complete the level time and time again Ender had to play maliciously and evilly, he had to play as a murderer and a cheater all the qualities reminding him of his brother, Peter who Ender despised and wished to never turn into. Later on into the novel Ender is told to search for new planets to colonize. While on his mission to find new planets to inhabit Ender stumbles upon a plant that seemed to feel a little too  familiar having an uncanny resemblance to the landscape and structure of the plant of his childhood pass time game, The Giants Drink. Only to discover this planet was created for him as a means of communication by the â€Å"Buggers†. â€Å"He had played here too many times as a child not to know this place. But it was not possible. The computer in the Battle School could not have possibly seen this place† A game form his past, what he though was mere mush of pixels and graphics turned out to become a reality. Orson Scott Card made us believe throughout the novel that The Giants Drink was just a game. Whereas it was actually always a secret place only Ender had ever visited, making it perfect to use as a secret means of communication. Orson Scott Card pushed us beyond what we thought was quite insignificant and made it more or less one of the most important event to take place in the novel. By not sticking to convention and going above and beyond making us think more about how what was just a game turned into reality. Furthermore while at Battle School all the solider had to participate in â€Å"Battles† again each other. These Battles were often the highlights of these children’s days, when Ender became a commander and got his own army to train for these pretend Battles. He quickly learned that he was never going to be treated fair and that all odd will always be stacked against him always trying to defeat him. Time and time again Ender won the Battles he took part it, having a perfect win streak. This infuriated many and Ender made many enemies, even the teachers seemed to be against Ender give him multiple battles a day and also giving him two armies as opponents instead of the usual one. All his life Ender was isolated and treated unfairly so none of this was new to Ender. Whatever situation was thrown at him Ender came out at top because of his intelligence, natural born leadership and yearning to win. Although these battles seemed to be just a game to tear apart the children the skills learned in this game could be the difference between life and death, once again confusing us about what is the illusion in it all. Ender graduated through the Battle School program faster than anyone and got transferred to the next step, Command School. The first little while in Command School was spent in complete isolation, it was more terrible than Battle School which Ender thought was not possible once again only being left with the companionship of the games they offered. After a year of complete seclusion Ender meet with his mentor, teacher, friend and enemy Mazer Rackmen, the man who was responsible for saving the human race from the second â€Å"Bugger† invasion. Mazer was the only person Ender ever got a chance to be with. Together they went through anything and everything that could possibly be an aid to Ender when the â€Å"Buggers† attack. Mazer got Ender to play the simulator games again but now in a complete different way, it was no longer a one man game, Ender verses The Computer but now it was Ender Commanding different squadron leaders. The leaders which turned out to be the small group of friends Ender had accumulated over his stay at the Battle School. Together they worked amazingly, using Enders intelligence and great leadership skills. With Enders desperation to always win they always came out of battles victorious, he may have lost his friends in the process of becoming this amazing leader but he gained their complete admiration and respect. Closer to the end of this novel, Mazer gives Ender his final examination, being sick of it all Ender just wanted to end it as soon as he could. Not into it at all Ender plays half-heartedly in the bigining, when being faced with his challenge Ender steps it up knowing he was once again set for failure. Not wanting the teachers to have the satisfaction of One Upping Ender he plays in a way he hates, as a cheat but it seems to once again be the only way to succeed in these games. After beating his final examiniation Ender finds out all of the simulations he played with his squadron leaders were not games but they were they actual â€Å"Bugger† war which Ender had fought and won without even knowing what her was doing. â€Å"You made the hard choice, boy, All or nothing. End them or end is. But heaven knows there was no other way you could have doing it. Congratulations. You beat them, and it’s all over.† â€Å"Real. Not a game. Enders mind was too tired to cope with it all.† Absent mindedly Ender has annihilated a whole species, making him a murderer. Thinking he was playing a game Ender had fought a galactic war. Once again Orson Scott Card hazes the thin line between your appearances and your realities. What Ender thought was a game was a life or death situation. If Ender would have listened to his heart and lose the last game, he could have saved an intelligent species, but we never know our outcomes until our decisions have been played out and it is too late to change our mind. Orson Scott Card highlighted the fact that every little thing in someone’s life makes a huge impact. As insignificant as it may seem everything has a purpose. If Ender had not played these games to win the â€Å"Buggers† could very well be alive and not knowing their intentions, letting them live was too big a risk. All throughout his life Ender had been played with, an object of constant manipulation and mind games. Battle and Command School were no different than Earth in this aspect. On Earth Ender was bullied and manipulate into doing what he wants by Enders evil older brother Peter, while at Battle School, Colonel Graff the head administrator never failed to lie to Ender, only tell him half the truth and additionally manipulate him, When Ender got to his last training program Command School Ender was manipulated and lied to in a way he could not even begin to imagine â€Å"Of course we tricked you into it. That’s the whole point.† At the end Colonel Graff even admits that all the manipulation, lies and hostility towards Ender was a part of his and Mazer Rackmens plan. Ender having been lied to and brought back to his murderous side, the part of him he hated the most. Ender was furious and could not bear to look at anyone and went back to his room. Orson Scott Cards showed us that it’s better to not trust anyone. What you think is really happening might just not really be happening and that you should always keep a check on your reality verses your illusions. Throughout the novel Orson Scott Card blurs the thin line between appearance and reality, through the concept of â€Å"games†. At times it is quite difficult to grasp your appearances verses your realities because you get too caught up in the little things that you forget to stop and look at the bigger picture. Only if you look at your life from a neutral perspective will you be able to tell what is really happening and what is a fragment of your  imagination. Orson Scott Card illustrated this point amazingly throughout this novel.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Acids, Bases and Salts

A chemical substance (typically, a corrosive or sour-tasting liquid) that neutralizes alkalis, dissolves some metals, and turns litmus red. Ionic Dissociation: Dissociation in chemistry and biochemistry is a general process in which ionic compounds (complexes, or salts) separate or split into smaller particles, ions, or radicals, usually in a reversible manner. Strength of Acids: The strength of an  acid  refers to its ability or tendency to lose a proton. There are very few strong acids. A strong acid is one that completely ionizes in  water. In contrast a weak acid only partially dissociates.Examples of strong acids  are  hydrochloric acid  (HCl),  hydroiodic acid  (HI),  hydrobromic acid  (HBr),  perchloric acid  (HClO4),  nitric acid  (HNO3) and  sulfuric acid  (H2SO4). In water each of these essentially ionizes 100%. The stronger an acid is, the more easily it loses a proton, H+. Two key factors that contribute to the ease of deprotonation are the   polarity  of the H—A bond and the size of atom A, which determines the strength of the H—A bond. Acid strengths are also often discussed in terms of the stability of the conjugate base. Sulfonic acids, which are organic oxyacids, are a  class  of strong acids.A common example is toluenesulfonic acid  (tosylic acid). Unlike sulfuric acid itself, sulfonic acids can be solids. Superacids  are acids stronger than 100% sulfuric acid. Examples of superacids arefluoroantimonic acid,  magic acid  and  perchloric acid. Superacids can permanently protonate water to give ionic, crystalline  hydronium  Ã¢â‚¬Å"salts†. Basicity of an Acid: Basicity of an acid refers to the  number of replaceable hydrogen atoms  in one molecule of the acid. 3 common types of Basicity of an acid Monobasic Definition: 1 molecule produce  1 H+ ion  upon dissociation Example:  HCl, HNO3 Dissociation Equation: HCl(aq) –> H+(aq) + Cl-(aq)Dibasic Definition: 1 molecule produce  2 H+  ion upon dissociation Example:  H2SO4 Dissociation Equation: Figure it out yourself!! Tribasic Definition: 1 molecule produce  3 H+  ion upon dissociation Example:  H3PO4 Dissociation Equation: H3PO4(aq) –> 3H+(aq) + PO4 3-(aq) Alkali: An alkali is a base in an aqueous solution or a chemical compound which is water soluble and neutralizes or effervesces with acids and turns litmus blue; typically, a caustic or corrosive substance of this kind such as lime or soda. Examples of alkalis include NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide), NH3(Ammonia) and KOH (Potassium Hydroxide).Salt: Any chemical compound formed from the reaction of an acid with a base, with all or part of the hydrogen of the acid replaced by a metal or other cation. Bases: A  base  in  chemistry  is a substance that can accept  hydrogen ions  (protons) or more generally, donate electron pairs. A soluble base is referred to as an  alkali  if it contains and releases hydro xide  ions  (OH? )  quantitatively. The  Bronsted-Lowry theory  defines bases as  proton(hydrogen ion) acceptors, while the more general Lewis theory defines bases as  electron pair donors, allowing other  Lewis acids  than protons to be included.Bases can be  thought  of as the chemical opposite of  acids. A reaction between an acid and base is called  neutralization. Bases and acids are seen as opposites because the effect of an acid is to increase the  hydronium ion  (H3O+)  concentration  in water, whereas bases reduce this concentration. Bases and acids are typically  found  in  aqueous solution  forms. Aqueous solutions of bases react with aqueous solutions of acids to produce  water  and  salts   

Friday, September 13, 2019

Business Research Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Research Report - Essay Example The amount of profit earned will be determined by the amount of money paid by customers for baked goods subtracted from the amount of money spent on buying the products. The profit depends on what is baked and how much is charged for baked goods. Several obstacles come along the establishment of such business as bakery. One of them is the lack of funds to purchase the required equipments for this work. This is because some products require special equipments, for example, baking of wedding cakes. Baking of breads also requires slicing machines that are expensive hence a lack of enough funds is a major obstacle to the business. The other obstacle to a successful bakery business is that there has been a problem in the number of qualified personnel, in bakeries. These are the trained bakery technologists. This has lead to slowed development in the bakery industry. This has been a major obstacle because there is no growth in the food and beverage industry since no new products are introduced in the market. There have been several business partners in the bakery businesses. This is some of those who have careers in foods. Some of those who had successful businesses include the following: AB Mauri Bakery AMOUN PITA NATURAL BAKERS ARCHWAY COOKIES Achatz Handmade Pie Company Al Dente Pasta, Inc. Aladdin Bakers Albuquerque Tortilla Alessi Bakeries Alpha Baking Co. Alpine Valley Bread Alvarado Street Bakery American Italian Pasta Co. Amorosos Baking Co. Annie Pies Gourmet Bakery Artuso Pastry Foods Corp. Athens Pastries, Inc. Atticus LLC dba Chabaso Bakery Aunt Millies Bakeries Blackhawk Bakery Bloomfield Bakers Bl ue Bonnet Bakery BoDeans Baking Co. Cereal Food Processors Inc. Cereal Ingredients IncChattanooga Bakery Inc/Moon Pie Cheksea Milling Group Cheryl & Co. Gourmet Cookies Claxton Bakery Inc. Clydes Delicious Donuts Collin Street Bakery Consolidated Biscuit Co. Deerfields Delice European Bakery Delicias

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Integration Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Integration - Assignment Example The modern practice in school curriculum is that instructors teach differentiation first before integration in contrast to the inception of calculus (Pitt, 2012). In the 17th century, Newton and Leibniz contribution made a milestone in advance of scientific developments in Europe. Kepler found the volume of a bucket of wine to be a pile of thin horizontal circular discs. B. Cavalieri’s line formed from many points, plane formed from many lines and solid made from many planes. All these gave initiating ideas in integration. At the same time Newton and Leibniz related integration and differentiation to be reverse processes in their â€Å"Fundamental Theorem of Calculus† popularly known as â€Å"Newton-Leibniz Formula† (Stewart, 2010). The calculus method became a very powerful tool in solving mathematical problems where other analytical methods failed those times. For instance, Jacob Bernoulli using calculus methods discovered that logarithmic spring under various transformations is invariant. In 1696, Johann Bernoulli asked a question that said, assuming friction was zero the path taken by a point mass to slide from a point that is higher to a point that is lower taking the shortest time possible (Hawkins, 2001). This led to the development of the calculus of variation. Other 17th century developments are contained in Euler’s introduction in analysis infinitorum, institutiones calculi differentialis and institutions calculi Integralis. Consider the following shape, to find the volume and the surface area of the shape using integration then employ the use of infinitesimally small areas and volumes. Obtain the volume using this formula For example, take a parabola in the x-y plane whose height bases on another parabolic function. Say, from x=-2 to x=2 that has elevation determined by a circle of radius 4 i.e. . Taking y to lie between y=x2+4 and y=12-x2 then the volume is given by Integrating again using

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

INTRODUCTION from Edward Said's ' Orientalism' Essay

INTRODUCTION from Edward Said's ' Orientalism' - Essay Example The first one centers around the idea that the term ‘Orient’ refers not to the truth of the region, but rather to an idea that has been developed in the minds of Europeans. Although not based on actual truth, this concept is naturally present in the European culture in the form of academic and other social institutions, the established vocabulary, the imagery utilized and the colonial styles. Secondly, ‘the Orient’ has been established as the Other, allowing the Europeans to define themselves as a colonizing country against the inferior culture they had themselves defined. Finally, building off of the ideas proposed by Michel Foucault, these distinctions made between Orient and Occident as well as the vocabulary, imagery and other sanctioned discussion and instruction regarding it, has confined the Orient, making it impossible for Europeans to consider the Orient without finding it necessary to first actively combat these limitations on thought or action. His main argument in the introduction, however, is to prove that the means by which he goes about proving the above statements are valid and meaningful in this context. He first sets about to prove that there is no such thing as pure knowledge because â€Å"no one has ever devised a method for detaching the scholar from the circumstances of life, from the fact of his involvement (conscious or unconscious) with a class, a set of beliefs, a social position, or from the mere activity of being a member of a society.†2 Because the concept of Orientalism is such an ingrained concept in the minds of the Western world, Said argues that it is impossible for a Western writer, regardless of genre or intent, to approach the topic from the perspective of an individual without first coming upon the topic as a Westerner. One of the modern means of interpreting a text involves the process of Deconstruction, a

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Can America assassinate its citizens justifiably Research Paper

Can America assassinate its citizens justifiably - Research Paper Example The event of the death of Anwar Al-Awlaki through predator drone missile strike raises some relevant questions about the violation of human rights, absence of advance warning and the violation of international law. Preventive measures taken by the government and other intelligence agencies often contributes confusion and fear among the people or America face severe crisis in justifying its actions against terrorist groups. Thesis Statement: The study mainly investigates can America assassinate its citizens justifiably without advanced warning and due process? The doctrine of Radical Islamists discloses that they always require the status of separatist. AL Qaeda and its related extremists groups search a puritanical and strictly fundamentalist Islam. They believe that the modern especially, Western culture and ideologies become act as a prominent threat of their religious faith. In this juncture, one cannot avoid the chance of preventing the threat of global terrorism. Government acti ons against terrorist groups need a well organized plan it needs an effective criterion in determining its citizens. Through the process of ensuring advanced warning or due process against suspected persons, government can assassinate its citizens justifiably. ... But the assassination of Al-Awalaki has explored the administrative failure of the Obama government which loosening standards for extra judicial killings could go down in to a horrifying use of administrative power. William Fisher examines that â€Å"Most of the major human rights groups condemned the killing as an affront to the U.S. Justice system and the values underlying it† (Fisher). The word â€Å"terrorist† is applied to him and has been put on U.S assassination mark without due process. Relevant criticisms had risen against Obama administration and its action against a U.S citizen. Eminent personalities including the Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, have recommended the beleaguered killing of an American could be an impeachable administrative failure for President Obama (Gneiting). His assassination simply highlights the fact that the administration secret standards for putting people, including American citizens, on a hit list. Therefore, If the Gove rnment just declare anyone, anywhere a hazard to the national security and assassinate him without due process, the rights of all citizens are in threat. Even though an American citizen, Obama administration had taken the rare way of authorizing the targeted killing of Awlaki (The New York Times). U.S military officials had kept an unclear identifying record about Awlaki’s death and it denotes the injustice. Assassinating a citizen without advanced warning or due process explores the dangerous use of government power. It is part of common knowledge is that the Fifth Amendment ensures citizen’s rights to live without fear. As a citizen who lived in the United States, Al-Awalaki has the right to

Monday, September 9, 2019

Obstructive Jaundice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Obstructive Jaundice - Essay Example Here most of the bilirubin combines with glucuronide to form conjugated or direct bilirubin, then is absorbed in bile, and excreted in the feces. If a disorder prevents this process from completing itself, the yellow-colored bilirubin builds up in the system until it becomes remarkable in the mucous membranes and skin (What is Jaundice 2006). The discoloration usually is detected clinically once the serum bilirubin level rises above 3 mg per dL (51.3 mol per L) (Roche and Kabos, 2004). Jaundice in an adult patient can be due to a wide array of benign or deadly disorders. Organizing the differential diagnosis by prehepatic, intrahepatic, and posthepatic causes may help make the work-up more manageable. Prehepatic causes of jaundice include hemolysis and hematoma resorption, which lead to elevated levels of unconjugated (indirect) bilirubin. Intrahepatic disorders can result to unconjugated or conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. The conjugated (direct) bilirubin level is often elevated by alcohol, infectious hepatitis, drug reactions, and autoimmune disorders. Posthepatic disorders also can cause conjugated hyperbilirubinemia (qtd. from Roche and Kobos, 2004). ... Hepatic jaundice causes range from acute viral hepatitis to liver disease caused alcoholism. Neonatal jaundice, common in newborns, is usually brief lasting only a week or so and is thought to be a result of the still-developing physiology. Though it is usually harmless and in most cases passes on its own, any infant displaying signs of jaundice should be seen by a pediatrician. (In newborns the liver sometimes requires a week or so to adjust and jaundice may be present during this time. Though this is not due to disease, it is still considered hepatic because liver function is at the root of the condition (What is Jaundice 2006). Post-hepatic (obstructive) jaundice, occurs when bile cannot discharge properly to the feces. Gallstones obstructing the bile duct, other ductal obstructions and certain cancers can cause post-hepatic jaundice marked by pale stools lacking the normal pigment contained in bile (What is Jaundice 2006). Obstructive jaundice Obstructive jaundice caused by obstruction of the bile ducts, as with gallstones. The liver normally produces about 1 litre of bile each day, which is secreted (passed) into the bile duct system and stored in the gallbladder. The bile duct empties into the upper intestine (duodenum) to help in digestion. Obstruction anywhere in this drainage system causes the blood levels of bilirubin to increase, resulting in "obstructive jaundice (What is obstructive Jaundice 2005)." Causes of obstructive jaundice Jaundice is not critical by itself however could indicate a more serious underlying conditions that should be diagnosed and treated as early as possible (What is Jaundice 2006). A thoroughly investigated is needed so that the underlying cause can be

LEGAL ASPECTS OF INTL BUSINESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

LEGAL ASPECTS OF INTL BUSINESS - Essay Example American may use all forms of treats against Russia including economic sanctions, but will never go to war with Russia. This article addresses issues that relate to international relations, business, and law, as most consequences of Russia actions in Ukraine will be felt outside Ukraine. The outside effect will be felt in international business, political stability, and law. Business and other economic activities in both countries have been affected especially the Crimea region where Russian troops have seized the Airport and borders (Peck 1). The sovereignty of Ukraine has also been interfered with since international laws, which recognizes the sovereignty of a country have been violated by Russia invasion. Among the issues raised in this article are reasons why America may never manage to go to war with Russia over Ukraine. I believe that these reasons would make sense to anyone reading this article due to the facts supporting. The Russian army is powerful and alongside the power of the army, they are a nuclear superpower. Russia has the advantage of being close to Ukraine than US making it easier for them to send troop. The US is tired after a long period of war and does not have adequate army to send to Russia. The American people are also tired of war and most of their allies tired as well and are not ready for war. However, it is not in order for countries to think war always whenever conflict arises between them. Russia has over 4500 active nuclear warheads that could devastate the US totally and the world at large (Peck 1). Their military is well equipped with weapons that would make America not good enough. Compared to Taliban and Iraqis, the Russian army is not lightly armed as them. Russia can easily send its troops to Ukraine, which is close unlike US. With nearly 13 years of involving itself in war, America has used most of its resources and need a

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Eng essay 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Eng 2 - Essay Example Their intention is to showcase their masculinity; thus, they put on T-shirts and flex their muscles. The photographers comprise people who are preoccupied with taking photos. It seems they are fascinated by their progress in gaining muscles. Indeed, they constantly look at themselves in the mirrors, and even spend most of their time taking photos rather than exercising. The newbies consist of people whose main goal is to observe others exercise. They rarely work out. However, in some cases, they can engage in light exercises. The novices comprise people who are out to learn new things. They listen carefully to their trainers, and even ask many questions. I consider myself a member of this group. Lastly, the businessmen consist of people who work in professional organizations and come to the gym to exercise. They can be identified easily from the number of calls they receive. Apart from categorizing gym attendees, I also discovered that people go to the gym for various reasons other than to exercise. For instance, the beauty queens, a group of young ladies who put on heavy make-ups, go specifically to grace the venue. They do not go to exercise. In fact, from their dressing, one can tell that they are not interested in exercises at the gym. Indeed, they dress as if they are attending a party. On the other hand, there is a group I call the chatterboxes. The group comprises people who go to the gym specifically to gossip; they do not exercise. Lastly, there are the date-seekers. They are groups of men who go for girls, particularly for dating. In fact, they go for the beauty queens. Although I do not consider gyms the best places to find girls to date, the group makes an attendee’s visit enjoyable. My visit to the gym was also made enjoyable by other people and the way they used the equipment. It was interesting to watch people strain while using the gym equipment. Some of the equipment included treadmills, elliptical

Saturday, September 7, 2019

British Author Research Paper Essay Example for Free

British Author Research Paper Essay Lord Bryon once said, â€Å"Fools are my theme, let satire be my song†. A satire is a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision,or ridicule ( A well recognized satire is George Orwell’s Animal Farm. Orwell wrote this allegorical novella in England when the wartime alliance with the Soviet Union was at its height and Stalin was held in highest esteem in Britain both among the people and government. George Orwell wrote Animal Farm to fuse political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole, thus addressing the downfall of the Russian Revolution which was caused by its corrupt leaders and ignorant citizens. George Orwell was born Eric Arthur Blair. He was born on June 25th 1903 in Bengal, India to a British colonial civil servant. About a year after his birth, Orwell was brought back to England by his mother along with his older sister. He began writing poems at the age of four, ultimately getting one of his poems published in a local newspaper. In 1911 he went to St. Cyprians, on a partial scholarship, in the coastal town of Eastbourne, where he got his first taste of Englands class system. There he began to read the works of Rudyard Kipling and H. G. Wells. He was exceptionally intelligent that he received a scholarship to study at Eton college. After graduating, Orwell joined the India Imperial Police Force in 1922. After five years, he resigned his post and returned to England. He wanted to try his luck as a writer. He would spend his time between England and Paris, thus writing his first major work Down and Out in Paris and London. He felt that it would embarrass his family, so he published it under the pseudonym George Orwell. He was not successful and began to take up any job offer just to make ends meet. He later published Burmese Days, which offered a dark look at British colonialism in Burma, then part of the countrys Indian empire. Orwells interest in political matters grew rapidly after this novel was published. In 1937, Orwell traveled to Spain, where he joined one of the groups fighting against General Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War. He was injured and left back for England. For years, Orwell had periods of sickness, and he was officially diagnosed with tuberculosis in 1938. Later, he landed a job with the BBC as a producer and in 1943 he became the literary editor for a socialist newspaper. Orwell is best known for two novels, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, both of which were published toward the end of his life. Animal Farm was published in 1945 and Nineteen Eighty-Four was published in 1949. Orwell, however, was not able to enjoy his success due to his battle with tuberculosis. He died on January 21, 1950, in a London hospital. England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, while the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separate it from continental Europe. It has a population of 53,013,000 inhabitants. The official language is British English. Christianity is the most widely practised religion in England. The major form of Christianity practised is Anglicanism. English folklore is big part of English Culture. Some of the characters and stories are present across England, but most belong to specific regions. Common folkloric beings include pixies, giants, elves, bogeymen, trolls, goblins and dwarves. Since the Early Modern Period the food of England has historically been characterised by its simplicity of approach and a reliance on the high quality of natural produce. Traditional examples of English food include the Sunday roast, featuring a roasted joint served with assorted vegetables, Yorkshire pudding, stuffing and gravy. Other prominent meals include fish and chips and the full English breakfast. Various meat pies and sausages are consumed by the British. Lancashire hotpot is a well known stew. Frequently consumed alcoholic drinks include wines, ciders and English beers, such as bitter, mild, stout, and brown ale. England has a strong sporting heritage, and during the 19th century codified many sports that are now played around the world. Sports originating in England include association football, cricket, and rugby. The basic political system in England is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary system. Today England is governed directly by the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The monarch is Queen Elizabeth II and the prime minister is David Cameron MP. Animal Farm was published by Orwell on August 17th , 1945. This novel shows how potential ignorance and indifference to problems within a revolution could allow horrors to happen if a smooth transition to a peoples government is not achieved. The novel starts out with Old Major, a prize-winning boar, gathers the animals of the Manor Farm for a meeting in the big barn. He tells them of a dream he has had in which all animals live together with no human beings to oppress or control them. He tells the animals that they must work toward such a paradise and teaches them a song called â€Å"Beasts of England,† in which his dream vision is lyrically described. The animals greet Major’s vision with great enthusiasm. When he dies only three nights after the meeting, three younger pigs—Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealer—formulate his main principles into a philosophy called Animalism. Late one night, the animals manage to defeat the farmer Mr. Jones in a battle, running him off the land. They rename the property Animal Farm and dedicate themselves to achieving Major’s dream. At first, Animal Farm prospers. Snowball works at teaching the animals to read, and Napoleon takes a group of young puppies to educate them in the principles of Animalism. As time passes, however, Napoleon and Snowball increasingly quibble over the future of the farm, and they begin to struggle with each other for power and influence among the other animals. After chasing Snowball away, Napoleon assumes leadership of Animal Farm and declares that there will be no more meetings. From that point on, he asserts, the pigs alone will make all of the decisions—for the good of every animal. Napoleon orders the animals to construct a windmill, and the animals devote their efforts to completing it. One day, after a storm, the animals find the windmill toppled. Napoleon claims that Snowball returned to the farm to sabotage the windmill. He uses this as an excuse to rid the farm of various animals who have allegedly participated in Snowball’s great conspiracy by giving them instant death at the teeth of the attack dogs. With his leadership unquestioned, Napoleon begins expanding his powers, rewriting history to make Snowball a villain. Napoleon also begins to act more and more like a human being by sleeping in a bed, drinking whisky, and engaging in trade with neighboring farmers. The original Animalist principles strictly forbade such activities, but Squealer justifies every action to the other animals, convincing them that Napoleon is a great leader and is making things better for everyone even though the other animals are cold, hungry, and overworked. Mr. Frederick, a neighboring farmer, cheats Napoleon in the purchase of some timber and then attacks the farm and dynamites the windmill, which had been rebuilt at great expense. After the demolition of the windmill, a pitched battle ensues. Napoleon then sells his most loyal and long-suffering worker, Boxer, to a glue maker in order to get money for whisky. Years pass on Animal Farm, and the pigs become more and more like human being by walking upright, carrying whips, and wearing clothes. Eventually, the seven principles of Animalism, known as the Seven Commandments and inscribed on the side of the barn, become reduced to a single principle reading â€Å"all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.† Napoleon entertains a human farmer named Mr. Pilkington at a dinner and declares his intent to ally himself with the human farmers against the laboring classes of both the human and animal communities. He also changes the name of Animal Farm back to the Manor Farm, claiming that this title is the â€Å"correct† one. Looking in at the party of elites through the farmhouse window, the common animals can no longer tell which are the pigs and which are the human beings. The story is meant to symbolize the downfall of the Russian Revolution and the corruption of Stalin. Old Major represents Karl Marx, as he originated Communism, hence Animalism. Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin, while Snowball represents Leon Trotsky. The attack dogs represent the Red Army, while Boxer represents the soviet workers. The rise of Stalin after the Russian Revolution inspired Orwell to write Animal Farm. It is satire on equality, where all barnyard animals live free from their human masters tyranny. Inspired to rebel by Major, an old boar, animals on Mr. Jones Manor Farm embrace Animalism and stage a revolution to achieve an idealistic state of justice and progress. A power-hungry pig, Napoleon, becomes a totalitarian dictator who leads the Animal Farm into All Animals Are Equal / But Some Are More Equal Than Others oppression. As an English author, Orwell traditionally used fictional characters to represent actual humans. The novel is an exceptional work of satire and meets its purpose of portraying the truth about the Soviet Union and turning point of the Russian Revolution.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Difference between poems Essay Example for Free

Difference between poems Essay Both poems are a response to other peoples idea of the poets cultural identities. The poems are written as though the poet is replying to some one directly. Half-Cast is about a multi cultural person who is standing up against racism and against people look down upon them because of their ethnicity. John Agard is arguing with the person who is being racist to him by questioning if Half-Cast means he is half a man. Still I rise is about a woman, Maya Angelou who has had a traumatic personal and cultural history but still she rises above it. She has had to face racial and sexual prejudice, but she still stands strong. In Half-Cast John Agard opens the poem with a polite but angry request. This opening is only an angry one because of the following lines. Excuse me; standing on one leg, I am half-cast This sarcasm is showing that he is trying to be nice but is annoyed about it. The first line is very polite but immediately after the poet is acquiring the reader of suggesting he is half a man by using the words half-caste. He uses informal language throughout the poem, the language is also written in john Agards dialect. It makes you say the words how it sounds. This could be the poet celebrating his culture. Explain yuself, Wha yu mean This also makes you as the reader feel the anger, annoyance and sadness through the Agards tone. The structure of the poem is simple but effective by using a three line opening two quite large stanzas then closes with three lines. One poetic technique he uses in each stanza is repetition of his points. Explain yuself, Wha yu mean This is repeated also so that Agard could give his reasons for being insulted and emphasises his argument. In each stanza he uses comparisons; When yu say half-caste, Yu mean Tchaikovsky, Sit down at dah piano, an mix a black key Wid a white key, Is a half-caste symphony. This is questioning it Tchaikovskys music should be seen as inferior because he mixed black and white notes. The poem is well structured and the language is perfectly composed. I have keep using this quote as it very strong and uses a lot of poetic techniques. Explain yu self, Wha yu mean. The comparisons are very good because you can understand and relate to his point as he compares his situation using metaphors. Still I rise, it is set out in 8 stanzas, and in which 7 out of 8 are all the same lengths except the eighth as it is the last stanza and is the climax of the poem. The language she uses is mostly formal but it very up beat. You may kill me, but she is not bothered. In some stanzas it seems as she is mocking the person/people who are putting her down; like they are pathetic. Does my sexiness upset you the word sexiness in this context does not only imply that she is beautiful and believes that she is, but that she feels proud of her culture, which makes her confident. Maya uses many techniques in her writing such as through out the poem she uses rhetorical questions. Did you want to see me broken? These questions force the reader to think and imagine about there own views on racism and what it would be like to be in her shoes. She also uses personification; You may kill me with your hatefulness. This is effective because kill me is a very strong phrase and keeps creating the image of her arriving back at her town after the sager. Throughout the poem she has used a rhyming pattern of every first and last lines this is successful as it builds a flowing structure to the poem. The poet uses repetition to emphasise her point Out of the hut of historys shame I rise Up from a. I rise. This shows that once again she has risen above it. Historys shame this is a direct reference to the struggles faced by her ancestors in her cultural history. I think that Mayas technique clearly puts her point across and the last stanza finishes the poem with a strong phrase of I rise, I rise, I rise, I rise presenting that life is hard but what ever it throws at you, you shall rise above it. In each of the poems Maya Angelou and John Agard use repetition which emphasises their subliminal messages in the poem. John Agard gets quite defensive and angry, whereas Maya Angelou although angry and annoyed she stays calms and rises above it. I think the message of the two poems is that even when we are faced with prejudice and discrimination we can be the better people by not complying with it. I also believe the most effective techniques used to present their opinions of their cultures and peoples perception of them were repetition, similes and rhetorical questions; this created the tense moments that draw the reader in to go on and finish the poem.